LFA #99754 Chart - Understanding Type 1 Diabetes.
The second edition of this chart has been simplified for easier and faster comprehension. Provides easy-to-understand visuals and text descriptions of how Type 1 diabetes affects the process of insulin production by the pancreas, which in turn affects glucose conversion to energy. Provides a side-by-side comparison of a normal body cell and a diabetic body cell which illustrates how they differ in converting glucose from food to energy. Describes the importance of controlling the level of glucose in the blood and provides the main techniques for doing so. Lists risk factors and symptoms of short-term complications such as hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis. Also describes and provides images of the long-term complications within the body of Type 1 Diabetes. Size is 20" W by 26" H.
All LFA Charts and Posters are designed to a) Provide just the right level of detail, b) At-a-glance format, c) Striking colorful images, d) Enlarged view of key organs or structures, e) Comprehensive and anatomically/medically accurate.Plastic laminate, 20" x 26" offers flexibility, durability and attractive appearance for medical professionals, patients, students and other specialists. Complete with metal eyelets at top cornors for hanging or portable stand display. "Write-on, wipe-off" surface is perfect for classrooms and professional offices.Shipped in mailing tube. Note: Many charts and posters also available in Spanish (-SP) to meet the needs of an expanding Spanish-language population and for improved communication.