Venous Sam Venous Training Model Model: LFA # 5010
Description: Adult male venous system, Durable rigid clear plastic, Smooth hollow veins allow insertion and advancement of pacemaker leads, EP catheters, and ASD devices, Four chambers of heart in diastole for maximum catheter movement, Complete open coronary sinus, Bilateral iliacs with sheath ports, Anterior subclavian ports for PPM leads, X-ray imageable.
Normal and Intended Use:
Venous Venn is intended to improve invasive translumenal technique regarding the setup, insertion and manipulation of electrophysiology and pacemaker catheters, guide wires, balloon catheters, and advanced generation devices. It provides unparalleled visualization for the understanding for angiographic views, practice of invasive technique and time management during invasive interventional procedures.
Item Details: "VENOUS SAM " is the realistic upper cardiovascular anatomy of a healthy 5 ft 8 in adult male of 180 lb. The dimensions were computed after cadaver studies of over 100 specimens and angiographic data of over 1,000 patients. Made of a durable, clear plastic material or glass, accurately designed to represent the major cardiovascular structures as described above.
The I.D.s of the upper/lower venous and coronary sinus represent healthy intimae. The coronary sinus lumens are internally strong to allow the practice of multiple devices. Normal and Intended Use: VENOUS SAM is designed to provide a level of challenge similar to that encountered in the cardiac catheterization laboratory, such as difficulty in turning the catheter, or maintaining position. After multiple attempts, VENOUS SAM is intended to improve invasive techniques including pacemaker leads, EP catheters, transeptal guide wires, and valvuloplasty balloon catheters. It also provides an unparalleled visual understanding and feeling for angiographic positioning for most interventional procedures. VENOUS SAM cannot replace the real experience but may improve final outcomes by allowing inexperienced practitioners a non-threatening practice venue, and by challenging experienced operator skills and their spatial understanding. Normal use implies that luminal catheters are inserted using wires with stiff guiding lumen catheters. Swan and femoral pacers can be introduced as normally prescribed. The coronary sinus is designed for all leads and EP catheters.
We also offer custom design Glass models of the cardio-vascular system for medical or industrial research and education including precise replicas of the cranial arteries, coronary arteries (with or without constrictions), carotids, aneurysms, etc. for use in stent and intra-cardiac pressure studies. Our unique in-stock Catheterization and Laboratory Models available in clear Plastic include the famous "Angiogram Sam Family" including "Angiogram Sam with Carrying Case", LFA #5000CC, "Angiogram Sam Plus", LFA #5001 with Extended Carotids, Pacemaker Pete", LFA #5005, "Venous Sam", LFA #5010. Also, in Glass, the unique "Angiogram Sam- Pediatric", LFA #5017G.